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32413-Tanks-1/35 German Armored Railway Vehicle P204(f)

1,700.00 ฿

Hit the Rails
After the Fall of France in June 1940 victorious German forces commandeered a number of French vehicles for their own use, among them the 105hp engine AMD 4-wheel drive car, which packed a fair punch with its turreted 25mm gun and 7.5mm machine gun. Around 200 were pressed into German service as the P204(f), 43 of which were fitted with train wheels for use on the railways. Most were also given a large frame antenna and new radio, and packed off to the Eastern Front where they would provide protection for the crucial rail network from local partizans and the Red Army, and they did so until the end of the Second World War.

About the Model
★This is a 1/35 scale plastic model kit. Length: 145mm, width: 57mm. ★The riveted armor and functional P204(f) form is accurately captured. ★Features depictions of train wheels and large frame antenna. ★Separate engine and interior parts such as gun breech give a detailed finish. ★Choose between open and closed hatches. ★Suspension features renderings of drive shafts and leaf springs. ★Comes with two sections of rail, totalling approximately 400mm in length. ★Includes two Tamiya figures and a plethora of accessories, plus two marking options.
*Vehicle and rail parts are a product of ICM.

Tamiya Color paints for painting the 1/35 German Armored Railway Vehicle P204(f)

Tamiya Color Lacquer Paint Tamiya Color Lacquer Paint
LP-38 Flat aluminum LP-54 Dark iron
LP-55 Dark yellow 2 LP-56 Dark green 2
LP-57 Red brown 2 LP-61 Metallic gray
LP-66 Flat flesh --

Tamiya Color Tamiya Color Tamiya Color
X-10 Gun metal X-11 Chrome silver X-12 Gold leaf
XF-1 Flat black XF-2 Flat white XF-9 Hull red
XF-15 Flat flesh XF-16 Flat aluminum XF-22 RLM grey
XF-24 Dark grey XF-26 Deep green XF-49 Khaki
XF-52 Flat earth XF-56 Metallic grey XF-59 Desert yellow
XF-65 Field grey XF-84 Dark iron XF-88 Dark yellow 2
XF-89 Dark green 2 XF-90 Red brown 2 ---

Useful tools in the construction of your model
Item 74051 Fine Pin Vise S
Item 74096 Fine Drill Bit (0.8mm)

Make the details stand out!
Item 87131 Panel Line Accent Color (Black)
Item 87132 Panel Line Accent Color (Brown)
Item 87140 Panel Line Accent Color (Dark Brown)

Adding realistic weathering effects to your model
Tamiya Weathering Master & Stick